Featured Events

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
On Saturday, January 11, the Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall.
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

2025 Annual Meeting
Please mark your calendar for the Parish Annual Meeting on January 26th. We will review highlights of 2024 and hear information about the 2025 budget and goals for the coming year. Additionally, the delegates from Holy Apostles for the 2025 Diocesan Convention will also be approved during the meeting.
In the interest of saving our forests, all reports for the meeting will be made available on our website and the dedicated page of our website will be updated as more reports and information becomes available.

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
On Saturday, January 11, the Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall.
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

Epiphany Fellowship - Breakfast Burrito Buffet
Announcing our 2nd annual Breakfast Burrito Buffet Epiphany Fellowship! Last year’s breakfast was a rousing success and we can’t wait to do it all again.

Lessons & Carols
Lessons & Carols on the 1st Sunday after Christmas at the 10am service. The Family service that morning will follow the lectionary of the day.

Celebrate Christmas
We will again offer three services for Christmas: 4:30pm Family and 10pm Choral on Christmas Eve and a 10am service on Christmas morning. We hope you will invite family and friends to worship with you and us on this special occasion.

Caroling & Christmas Party
Caroling through the CHA neighborhood and at other select homes in our area will happen again this year. As always, all that singing works up an appetite! Carolers and non-carolers alike are welcome to join the after-party.

A Visit from Saint Nicholas
We will have a special visitor at the 9am Family Service on December 8th! St Nicholas will come by to bring greetings of the season.

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
On Saturday, January 13, the Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall.
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

The Smyth Family Turkey Trot
Get some exercise before embarking on your family feast and support a worthy cause at the 14th annual Smyth Family Turkey Trot.

Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist & Reception
Our Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist and Reception is a long-standing Holy Apostles tradition. Come spend some time with your church family before the big Turkey Day! Service at 6:30pm with pot-luck hors d’oeuvres in the Memorial Room following.

Advent Bag Assembly
On this Saturday morning we will be assembling the items that have been donated into the individual Advent Bags for the clients at Project Share. The more hands we have helping, the faster the work gets completed. The plan is to deliver the finished items prior to December 1st, which is the 1st Sunday of Advent this year.

Trick or Treating with the Neighbors!
For a 2nd year we’ll set up our canopy and invite trick-or-treaters to stop by and say hello and get some treats for their goody bags!

Walk-Up Pet Blessings
It’s a 1:00pm game time for the Eagles, so come on by after the game with your pets for a walk-up blessing. Tell your neighbors!

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
The Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall!
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

Feast of the Holy Cross
Join us in the sanctuary at 9am for a special service of Holy Eucharist as we remember that Christ "was lifted high upon the cross that he might draw the whole world unto himself" (from the Collect of the Day).

"Here Comes Fall" Ice Cream Social
Join us at either the 9am or 10am service and, at the coffee hour which follows each, indulge in ice cream sandwiches and other frozen novelties as we celebrate a return to our “regular” service schedule.

Summer Happy Hour
Mark your calendars for the return of our very popular Summer TGIF Happy Hours. We will be meeting on the lawn (or in the Memorial Room if the weather is unpleasant) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the 4th Friday of the month.
Come as you are for a relaxing start to the weekend. Bring a snack to share and your own (adult) beverage.
NEW THIS YEAR: Fellowship will provide a signature mocktail/mixer each month.
Kids are welcome, and we'll have some low-key activities to keep them entertained.

Overbrook Park Community Day
Join us in our return to OPCD at Rose Playground for an afternoon of meet & greet with our neighbors in Overbrook Park.
We have a great collection of children’s books to give away, along with Apostle’s Cup samples and information about Holy Apostles for the adults who come by.
The event runs from noon to 4pm and we welcome you and your smiling face to come by and help out at the booth - either for the entire time, or any part of the afternoon.

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
The Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall!
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

Sunday Morning Book Club
Join us in the Memorial Room following our 9:30AM service for a discussion of The Science of the Good Samaritan: Thinking Bigger about Loving our Neighbors by Emily Smith
Thanks to Rosemary Hughes for this recommendation. Emily Smith is an epidemiologist (a field close to my heart since a dear family member is also one). She’s the person who was catapulted to internet fame (with all the attendant horrors) for her Facebook page, “The Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist.” She’s also a Christian, and this book represents her practical, ethical, and theological thinking about the Second Great Commandment in light of her research as a scientist, and her experience of the pandemic. The Science of the Good Samaritan is published by Zondervan. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).
You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!

Summer Happy Hour
Mark your calendars for the return of our very popular Summer TGIF Happy Hours. We will be meeting on the lawn (or in the Memorial Room if the weather is unpleasant) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the 4th Friday of the month.
Come as you are for a relaxing start to the weekend. Bring a snack to share and your own (adult) beverage.
NEW THIS YEAR: Fellowship will provide a signature mocktail/mixer each month.
Kids are welcome, and we'll have some low-key activities to keep them entertained.

Sunday Morning Book Club
Join us in the Memorial Room following our 9:30AM service for a discussion of Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson
You read my descriptions of the first two books and began to wonder if the common thread was “terrible diseases,” but that would be false. The common thread is “incredibly smart and talented women whose written work deals with faith but does not try to silo faith and religion from all the richness and variousness of life.” Marilynne Robinson is widely acclaimed as one of America’s greatest living novelists and essayists. Her books include Housekeeping, Gilead, and Home. She retired from teaching at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, after doing much to make it one of the most prestigious writing programs in the country. She is also a committed Christian and writes about her faith brilliantly. Her newest book, just published to wide acclaim, is Reading Genesis. It promises to be a fascinating and rollicking interpretation of the book of Genesis that presents the text in all its richness, without falling into the fundamentalisms of either academic higher criticism, or anti-intellectual literalism with all its crazy baggage about Creation vs. Evolution and what happened to the dinosaurs. Reading Genesis is published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).
You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!

Summer Happy Hour
Mark your calendars for the return of our very popular Summer TGIF Happy Hours. We will be meeting on the lawn (or in the Memorial Room if the weather is unpleasant) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the 4th Friday of the month.
Come as you are for a relaxing start to the weekend. Bring a snack to share and your own (adult) beverage.
NEW THIS YEAR: Fellowship will provide a signature mocktail/mixer each month.
Kids are welcome, and we'll have some low-key activities to keep them entertained.

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event
On Saturday, January 13, the Pockets of Hope group will be returning to the Parish Hall.
Pockets of Hope is a non-profit organization providing free mastectomy sweatshirts for after surgery.
If you know how to sew and are interested in helping sew pockets into zip up hoodies for women recovering from their mastectomy surgery, come join us - just bring your sewing machine.
Can’t sew? Don’t have a machine? No worries - there are other ways to help including cutting, ironing and the beauty of fellowship!
Check out @_pocketsofhope on Instagram. Questions? kiersten.wertz@gmail.com

"Beginning of Summer" Picnic
“Beginning of Summer” Picnic
Please join us on Sunday, May 26, for our Beginning of Summer Picnic following the 10:00am service. It's always fun to get together, and this cookout is definitely one of the highlights of our Fellowship year.
The Fellowship Mission will provide burgers (beef, some turkey and some veggie burgers), hotdogs, rolls, cheese, and condiments. We will also provide beverages: water, iced tea and sodas. Our Grill Master says, “Everyone should come hungry as the burgers will be hot and ready to eat when they step out of church."

Summer Happy Hour
Mark your calendars for the return of our very popular Summer TGIF Happy Hours. We will be meeting on the lawn (or in the Memorial Room if the weather is unpleasant) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the 4th Friday of the month.
Come as you are for a relaxing start to the weekend. Bring a snack to share and your own (adult) beverage.
NEW THIS YEAR: Fellowship will provide a signature mocktail/mixer each month. For May: Rhubarb Shrub with Lime & Basil. Add sparkling water for non-alcoholic or gin for fun.
Kids are welcome, and we'll have some low-key activities to keep them entertained.

Sunday Morning Book Club
Join us in the Memorial Room following the 10AM service for a discussion of The Corner that Held Them by Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sylvia Warner was a remarkable English writer and musicologist who died in the 1970s. She’s most known for her super weird and witchy proto-feminist novel, Lolly Willowes. A Corner that Held Them, first published in 1948, is equally eccentric and unlike any novel before or after it. It is set in a convent in medieval England during a time marked by outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague. It’s about the seemingly boring—but actually fascinating (no really!)—lives of the residents of the convent over the course of centuries. It’s going to be a total hoot, but don’t get too attached to any one character... A Corner that Held Them (and Lolly Willowes) has been reprinted in a beautiful paperback by the NYRB Classics, which is probably my favorite publishing endeavor. They really know how to make a paperback. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).
You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!

Choir Practice
CHOIR REHEARSAL: Saturday, April 20, 10:00am-12:30pm
If you are a member of the choir - we'll see you there.
If you'd like to be a member of the choir - COME JOIN US!