Join us in the Memorial Room following our 9:30AM service for a discussion of The Science of the Good Samaritan: Thinking Bigger about Loving our Neighbors by Emily Smith
Thanks to Rosemary Hughes for this recommendation. Emily Smith is an epidemiologist (a field close to my heart since a dear family member is also one). She’s the person who was catapulted to internet fame (with all the attendant horrors) for her Facebook page, “The Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist.” She’s also a Christian, and this book represents her practical, ethical, and theological thinking about the Second Great Commandment in light of her research as a scientist, and her experience of the pandemic. The Science of the Good Samaritan is published by Zondervan. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).
You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!