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Sunday Morning Book Club

Join us in the Memorial Room following our 9:30AM service for a discussion of The Science of the Good Samaritan: Thinking Bigger about Loving our Neighbors by Emily Smith

Thanks to Rosemary Hughes for this recommendation. Emily Smith is an epidemiologist (a field close to my heart since a dear family member is also one). She’s the person who was catapulted to internet fame (with all the attendant horrors) for her Facebook page, “The Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist.” She’s also a Christian, and this book represents her practical, ethical, and theological thinking about the Second Great Commandment in light of her research as a scientist, and her experience of the pandemic. The Science of the Good Samaritan is published by Zondervan. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).

You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!

July 26

Summer Happy Hour

August 10

Pockets of Hope Volunteer Event