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Sunday Morning Book Club

Join us in the Memorial Room following our 9:30AM service for a discussion of Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson

You read my descriptions of the first two books and began to wonder if the common thread was “terrible diseases,” but that would be false. The common thread is “incredibly smart and talented women whose written work deals with faith but does not try to silo faith and religion from all the richness and variousness of life.” Marilynne Robinson is widely acclaimed as one of America’s greatest living novelists and essayists. Her books include Housekeeping, Gilead, and Home. She retired from teaching at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, after doing much to make it one of the most prestigious writing programs in the country. She is also a committed Christian and writes about her faith brilliantly. Her newest book, just published to wide acclaim, is Reading Genesis. It promises to be a fascinating and rollicking interpretation of the book of Genesis that presents the text in all its richness, without falling into the fundamentalisms of either academic higher criticism, or anti-intellectual literalism with all its crazy baggage about Creation vs. Evolution and what happened to the dinosaurs. Reading Genesis is published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. (JRS - April edition of “The Apostle” newsletter).

You are welcome to join us whether you have finished the book, or not even yet started reading!

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