Volunteer Ministries
Volunteers make this church what it is. There are many ways to use your time, talents and treasure for the glory of God. If you don’t see the right opportunity for you listed here, just talk to a church member about the talent you have to share and we’ll help you find your place to belong! Click on any heading below to learn more. Contact the office with any questions you may have.
Being fully present in one another’s lives is one way we live up to our motto, “A Place to Belong.” Belonging involves shared emotional, social and spiritual support as an integral part of our life in community with one another. You can learn more about our Caring & Belonging Ministry here.
Caring & Belonging
Christian Education
Assist in the planning and presentation of Sunday School enrichment to our 9AM Family service and of Adult Education Forums.
The Fellowship team elicits volunteers for our weekly coffee hours as well as planning and executing various events throughout the year such as the annual picnic; Sundae Sunday; family happy hours on the lawn; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner; Agape Meal; Pancakes with Santa; and more.
You can help the team through promoting events; preparing food; organizing decorations; helping with setup and or cleanup; and inviting friends and family to join the fun!
Good News
Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to our neighbors and beyond by participating in community events, inviting the community to church events, and making the church available to concerts and other programs.
Our Good News ministry meets the community where they are through:
Our Greeter ministry and handing out Welcome bags to all visitors
Our Little Free Library and Doggie Treat Bin
Promoting services through lawn signs
Participating in various community days such as Haverford Heritage Festival (1st Sunday in June); Haverford Township Day (1st Saturday in October); Overbrook Park Community Day (traditionally a Saturday in June)
Liturgy Assistants
Helping with the preparation and/or administration of our weekly liturgies including the Altar Guild, Readers/Intercessors, Music ministries, Tech Team and more.
Liturgy Assistants provide vital support to our weekly celebrations of Holy Eucharist as well as with special services that occur throughout the year. There are a myriad number of ways to serve and we are happy to find a good match for your time and talent!
Outreach is a vital part of life at Church of the Holy Apostles through programs that reach out to those in need in our community and beyond through food drives, meal preparation, school supply drives and other projects. You can learn more about our Outreach Programs here.
Prayer Guild
Our prayer build is made up of a group of parishioners who seek to develop and enrich prayer life in our parish, searching for ways that we can learn and deepen our faith individually and corporately. This group also works with Fr. James to write our parish intercessions, which change seasonally.
Property Ministry
Be a part of the team that looks after our physical plant. Our people are the church, the body of Christ. But we are also fortunate enough to have this building and property and it is our responsibility to keep it in good working order. Use your talents to help with small chores and make decisions about how best to maintain the property.
The Property Ministry team works to effect minor repairs throughout the building, as well as work with contractors to obtain competitive bids and quality work to manage larger maintenance needs such as roofing, air conditioning, replacement windows, etc.
Spiritual Practices Ministry
This group plans activities meant to deepen spirituality; encourages and nurtures Prayer Guild work; and acts as a sounding board and support for Fr. James in planning worship and music, as needed.
Ad-Hoc Projects
There are always special and one-off projects going on that you can help with without making a long-term commitment: greening of the church at Christmastide, the monthly mailing of the newsletters; weekly leaflet folding; cookie-baking; etc. You’ll find notices of these projects in the weekly Acts of the Apostles email. Show up and jump in with whatever piques your interest!
The Vestry is the governing body of Church of the Holy Apostles. Vestry members work together with our rector to help lead and guide the parish and administrate parish business. Additionally, vestry members can choose to fill a leadership role in a service or ministry area such as Education, Fellowship, Finance, Good News, Outreach, Property, Technology and Worship. Any individual can nominate themselves or someone else simply by contacting Fr. James or any vestry member.
Those qualified to serve on the Vestry shall be baptized, confirmed, lay persons of the age of twenty-one (21) years and upwards, who are members of the Corporation entitled to vote at any election for the Vestry, and who shall have been properly nominated and have consented to the Clerk of the Vestry to be willing to serve if elected; provided, however, that individuals currently members of the same familial household shall be ineligible to serve on the Vestry simultaneously.
From the By-Laws: ARTICLE 4 (THE VESTRY)
Vestry members who are finishing their
term are recognized and honored at the Annual Parish Meeting held in late January each year. The wearing of green is not required, but on this particular Sunday,
there was an important Eagles game and all were showing appropriate team spirit!
(January 2023 Parish Meeting)