Church of the Holy Apostles is a friendly, community minded, and inclusive Episcopal Church in the Penn Wynne area of Wynnewood, PA, just outside of the Philadelphia city limits.

We are a community of prayer. We seek to worship God during our worship services and our daily lives.

We are a community marked by love for each other as we strive to follow Jesus Christ.

We are called:

  • to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.

  • to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.

  • to strive for justice and peace among all peoples, respecting the dignity of every human being.

What We Believe

We are unashamed in our belief in a loving, life-giving, liberating God who created the universe and created us for love. 

Children and Youth

Whether they are coloring under the pew, or dancing in the aisles; screaming, singing, crying: we believe that the presence of Children is a blessing, and a joy. We seek to include children in our worship.

Worship Schedule

Together we lift up our voices to God in prayer, song, and celebration. Our worship is more complete in diversity.



The leadership of this church includes the bishop, the Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez, who leads the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (which includes Philadelphia & the surrounding region). Our rector, the Rev. James Stambaugh, is the bishop’s sacramental delegate, and the person who has been chosen to be a sign of the worship and ministry that is shared by all members of the parish.

We are an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, and members of the Anglican Communion,
a worldwide fellowship consisting of over 85 millions Jesus Followers in over 165 countries.