Adult Learning
Bible Study
The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Romans 4:12
Our weekly Bible study on Thursdays at 11am is phenomenal. It is an informal group of fun, caring folks who meet every week to read scripture and talk about it. You don’t have to be a Bible expert, and you can join anytime. Thursdays Year Round @ 11AM via Zoom. For more information, email Fr. James.
Adult Forums
Seasonally - especially in Lent - we offer classes on varying topics. Recent topics:
Reading, Praying and Chanting the Psalms
The importance of Holy Week
A book study of “A Post-COVID Catechesis” by Victor Lee Austin
Quest for the Holy Grail: The Mystic Path & The Well-Traveled Road
A book study of “Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict” by Esther De Waal
“Art is Healing” - a field trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art
FacePsalm is our Facebook Bible study. Each week we post the Psalm or a portion of Psalm that we will sing on the following Sunday morning. Everyone is invited to meditate on the Psalm, comment, and share.
Do you want to be baptized? Do you want to be confirmed, received into the Episcopal Church, or to reaffirm your faith? We can help with that! Email Fr. James to discuss it further.