Clergy & Staff

At Holy Apostles, we believe in the priesthood of all believers. This means that all baptized members of Christ’s Church have an active role to play in the community of faith.

The leadership of this church includes the bishop, the Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez, who leads the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (which includes Philadelphia & the surrounding region). Our rector, the Rev. James Stambaugh, is the bishop’s sacramental delegate, and the person who has been chosen to be a sign of the worship and ministry that is shared by all members of the parish. Further, the parish is led by a council of baptized Christians called the vestry. Visit the Bishop’s Page on the Episcopal Diocese of PA Website.

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G.P. Gutierrez
The Reverend James R. Stambaugh


The Reverend James R. Stambaugh is the 5th Rector of Church of the Holy Apostles, and the congregation’s 6th lead clergy person. (Rector a name given to a priest who is in charge of a congregation).

James graduated with a degree of Master of Divinity from the Virginia Theological Seminary. Before seminary, he taught 9th grade at a Christian high school, worked for a nonprofit Christian mission organization, and was a stay-at-home dad. James is passionate about spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, and helping to foster a joyous community of love, forgiveness, faith, and prayer.

James is married and is the proud father of two children. He enjoys reading, writing, contemporary art, and cooking with his family and friends. His writing and research interests include Christian mission, systematic theology, poetry, and the intersection of faith with literature, the visual arts, and music.

Connect with Fr. James:


The vestry of Church of the Holy Apostles consists of leaders elected from the congregation to help guide the parish, work with the rector to facilitate worship, outreach, and mission, as well as administrate parish business, finances and building maintenance. Vestry elections are held during the annual meeting each January to fill vacating terms.

Vestry 2025

Drew Meiers
Jean Gentile, Senior Warden
Nancy Haas, Clerk of the Vestry
Judy Jervis
Suzanne Lees
Hu Peck
Patty Wertz
Susanne Wherry, Accounting Warden
Joe Zorc

To contact a member of vestry please send a request to the church email:


Parish Administrator - Katie Gentile

Born in the Philadelphia area, Katie & her husband Jean-Laurent spent much of their married life in Virginia and Florida before returning to Pennsylvania in the Fall of 2019. They are known throughout Holy Apostles for their love of pet-sitting other people’s dogs. Katie filled the role of Parish Admin as a volunteer beginning in March 2020. She accepted the official part-time position in August 2021.

Connect with Katie: